Sprint: Open Science
Open science sprint
Collaborative open science sprint where you can bring along a task to automate, or a piece of code you want to open source, and we will help you find others to form a small group to turn your existing scripts or workflow into an reproducible piece of open science!
Good tasks to work on might include:
- figuring out whether Python is a good fit for your needs
- speeding-up your code
- writing developer or user documentation
- adding tests to legacy programs
- working out how to use git most effectively (other version control systems are available)
- packaging your software so that it can easily be installed
Our friends from Overleaf will be joining us for this, they run a collaborative cloud service for LaTeX users (think: Google docs for LaTeX) which has a very simple push-to-submit service for a number of Open Access journals and open science services, such as
This means that any software or figures you produce on the Monday Sprint can be given a DOI and easily shared with the scientific community.
Watch this space for more announcements - there may even will be prizes :)